The content of Vitamin C and Other Benefits of Guava
Guava actually taste good, but because many seeds, so lazy people to buy or to eat it, even though it benefits so many. Actually, to separate the seeds with the flesh is not difficult, either directly eaten or juiced guava has a myriad of health benefits.
Here are some benefits of guava:
1. The fruit is very rich in vitamin C and some minerals that can counteract many degenerative diseases, as well as keep in shape.
2. The leaves and bark contains antibacterial substances that can cure several diseases.
3. Guava leaves can be used for the treatment of diarrhea, gastroenteritis, and other complaints related to digestion.
4. guava bark also has antibacterial activity. Extracts from both parts of this plant are toxic in vitro (anti-venom) against several bacterial causes of diarrhea, such as Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Shigella, Bacillus, Escherichia coli, Clostridium, and Pseudomonas
5. Guava fruit can be consumed in the form of fresh or processed into various products such as jam, jelly, pasta, lunkhead, and juice.
6. Guava also contains potassium about 14 mg/100 g of fruit. Potassium works to increase the regularity of the heart rate, activating muscle contractions, regulating delivery of nutrients to other cells of the body, controlling the balance of fluids in the body tissue, as well as lowering high blood pressure (hypertension).
7. Guava is also a source of fiber (dietary fiber). Dietary fiber is beneficial for preventing various degenerative diseases, such as colon cancer (colon cancer), diverticulosis, atherosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and kidney stones.
8. Guava has a high content of nutrients, such as vitamin C, potassium, and iron. Guava fruit is free from saturated fatty acids and sodium, low fat and energy, but high in dietary fiber.
Guava also contains tannins, which give rise to a sense of sepat on fruit but also serve to facilitate the digestive system, blood circulation, and is useful for attacking viruses.
Guava also contains potassium which works to increase the regularity of the heart rate, activating muscle contractions, regulating delivery of nutrients to other cells of the body, control fluid balance in the body's tissues and cells as well as lowering total cholesterol and blood triglycerides, and lowering blood pressure high (hypertension).
In guava also found that lycopene potential nirgizi substances other than fiber. Lycopene is karatenoid (important pigment in plants) found in the blood (0.5 moles per liter of blood) as well as having anti-oxidant activity. Lycopene epidemiologic research on a study conducted by researchers in Italy, included 2706 cases of cancer of the oral cavity, tekek, esophagus, stomach, colon and rectum, if consumed lycopene increased, especially guava flesh is red, seedy and taste Sweet has the effect of providing protection to the body from certain types of cancer.
Besides guava benefits to maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels and prevent the emergence of cancer, strengthen the immune system against disease, improving the health of the gums, teeth and capillaries and helps the absorption of iron and wound healing. Guava is also potent anti-inflammatory, anti-diarrhea and stop the bleeding, such as in patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).
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